What is ISO 22343?
ISO 22343:2023 Part 1 is the latest standard for Security and resilience; Vehicle Security Barriers Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating. It has become the UK’s standard and the security industry’s benchmark for HVM (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation) equipment, and is the specification against which perimeter security equipment is tested as part of the ongoing research to prevent VBIED (Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device) attacks. ISO 22343:2023 Part 2 complements this specification by providing guidance on the product installation.
ISO 22343:2023 specifies a classification system for the performance of vehicle security barriers, subjected to a single horizontal impact.
ISO 22343:2023 identifies impact test tolerances and vehicle performance criteria which need to be met in order for a product to conform and be granted a classification.
Design guidance is provided in ISO 22343:2023 Part II.
ISO 22343:2023 Part II should be considered to ensure this equipment is installed correctly.
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The ISO22343 standard defines the vehicle type, test mass and impact speed together with the required measurements, vehicle and test item details that should be recorded and reported. Post impact, and if the test is successful -the VSB stopped and immobilised the test vehicle, then the penetration distance is measured. This reading is taken from the front of the vehicle cargo load bed to the position of the original front face of the VSB. The dispersion distance of major debris is also measured as this may be a consideration at certain sites.
These measurements can be used to determine which is the most suitable VSB for each individual site. It must be remembered that the impact testing uses repeatable test criteria and may not replicate the precise dynamics of real life attacks or vehicle configurations. However, it does provide a common baseline to classify and compare VSB systems. Equipment that has been tested in accordance to the BSi PAS68 specification requires an appropriate installation which is tailored to the individual sites ground and environmental conditions. This ensures the adequate performance if challenged in a hostile vehicle attack.
The importance of after sales and who should maintain your equipment is another aspect which should be considered.
Foundation Classifications
The VSB system foundation shall be classified according to the following
Classification Description
A Freestanding’ having no ground fixing
Ap Surface mounted but also pinned or bolted to the ground
B Depth <0.5m below ground level C Depth >0.5m below ground level
Please also see:
Classification Code
Vehicle Energy
Testing of Vehicle Security Barriers (VSBs)
Terra Maintenance
HVM Architecture
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