Testing of Vehicle Security Barriers (VSBs)
Testing and classification of Vehicle Security Barriers (VSBs)
There are various international testing standards for VSBs (Vehicle Security Barriers). Those most widely referred to are the UK’s British Standards Institution (BSi) Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 68, the US standard ASTM F2656 (formerly the K rating) and the new International Workshop Agreement IWA 14-1.
Separate advice on site assessment and installation considerations are contained in the
UK’s BSi PAS 69 and IWA 14-2
The European CEN workshop agreement CWA 16221 combines the detail from BSi PAS 68 and PAS 69. It provides guidance on test methods for determining vehicle security barrier performance classification and also includes a series of informative annexes that advise on appropriate product selection, installation and use. Our Terra Sliding Cantilevered Gate has been successfully impact tested in accordance with both BSi PAS 68 and CWA 16221.
PAS 170-1:2017 Vehicle Security Barriers – Low Speed Impact Testing on a single bollard when subjected to a single impact using a 2500kg impact trolley at a speed of 16kph or 32kph.
Moving Vehicle Threat Protection
Vehicle as a Weapon
The BSi PAS 68 specification defines two assessment methods of determining the performance classification of vehicle security barriers:
– the vehicle impact method;
– the design method – including finite element analysis (FEA) procedures
The pendulum method which is only suitable for testing bollards at lower energy levels, is now covered in PAS 170-1 Vehicle security barriers – Non-vehicle low energy impact testing)
Terra V Gate Simulation (left) versus the actual Impact Test (right)
The Vehicle Impact Test Method: the vehicle type, test mass and impact speed together with the required measurements, vehicle and test item details that should be recorded and reported.
Post impact, and if the test is successful with the VSB stopping and immobilising the test vehicle, then the penetration distance is measured. This reading is taken from the front of the vehicle cargo load bed to the position of the original rear face of the VSB. The dispersion distance of major debris is also measured as this may be a consideration at certain sites.
These measurements create the Classification Code which can be used to determine the most suitable VSB for each individual site.
It must be remembered that the impact testing uses repeatable test criteria and may not replicate the precise dynamics of real life attacks or vehicle configurations. However, it does provide a common baseline to classify and compare VSB systems.
Equipment that has been tested in accordance to the BSi PAS 68 specification requires an appropriate installation which is tailored to the individual sites ground and environmental conditions. This ensures the adequate performance if challenged in a hostile vehicle attack. Please see BSi PAS 69 for more information
The Terra Ultimate Barrier
The BSi PAS 68 is a specification and not a standard as it is an on going Research and Development program. This means not all testing is successful, however manufacturers may still state that the equipment has been impact tested to BSi PAS 68, even if the product has not successfully surpassed the specification.
Ensure that the manufacturer states “successfully impact tested” on their literature, or request the impact test’s Classification Code. The penetration distance of the vehicle should be paramount.
To receive the latest Guide to Impact Test Specifications please contact Technical Sales on +441293 422800 or
email [email protected]
CPNI (Centre for the Protection of the National Infrastructure) provides a list of all approved BSi PAS 68 impact tested products. This is a controlled document which CPNI provide on request to recognised bodies. Please contact CPNI for more information.
PAS 170-1:2017 Vehicle Security Barriers – Low Speed Impact Testing on a single bollard when subjected to a single impact using a 2500kg impact trolley at a speed of 16kph or 32kph.
Typical classification code for PAS 170-1:2017:
Impact Trolley IT/2500/32/90:1.4
A test item with a penetration distance of 2.0m or less will be given a performance rating.