Railway LPS1175 Automatic Sliding Gates

Sector: Railway
Security Level: High Security and Anti-Intruder
Requirement: Anti-Intruder Automatic Security Gate
Equipment Installed: 1 no. LPS1175 Sliding Gates
Services: Consultancy, Design, Manufacture, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance
Completion Date: 2018
Client: Railway

Frontier Pitts LPS1175 SR3 Sliding Gates at Railway Depot.

Frontier Pitts Platinum Automatic Sliding Gate has been installed on one particular site, providing a high level of Anti-Intruder Security to a railway depot.

All the Platinum range of Security Gates have been successfully tested by BRE to withstand forcible attack to LPS1175 Security Rating 2 and 3. This ensures the whole perimeter is rated to the same Security Standard, even the mechanics of the automatic gate systems, not just the gate infill.

Please click here for more information on Frontier Pitts LPS1175 Automatic Bi-folding Gates

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