Large Security Sliding Gates at Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility

Sector: Pharmaceutical
Security Level: Security Sliding Gates
Requirement: 2 large Sliding Gates
Equipment Installed: 2no. large Sliding Gates +13m aperture
Services: Design, Manufacture, Logistics, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance
Completion Date: 2019

Installation of Frontier Pitts LoTracker Sliding Security Gates

The Automatic Gate experts have done it again with the installation of a 13m+ automatic security gate at a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility. Securing such large entrances allows large HGVs access to the facility with ease.

Security Tracked Sliding Gates are designed to run on a underground guidance installed in the roadway and are able to secure wide apertures.

The Sliding Gate is 100% duty rated – designed for continuous & frequent use.

The security upgrade also saw the installation of Hinged Vehicle Gates and pedestrian control Turnstiles.

Please click here for the LoTracker Sliding Tracked Gate product page

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