Secured by Design
Frontier Pitts awarded Secured by Design accreditation
Secured by Design is the initiative from the Police Crime Prevention Initiatives Limited – Formerly Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) that aims to reduce crime through effective environmental design. The scheme also calls for the installation of security products that meet police-approved standards. Manufacturers and installers whose products have been certified by an accredited testing body to the specified standards.
The SBD logo is the only symbol that guarantees national Police approval of a product, providing architects, planners, specifiers, builders and end customers with reassurance that it provides a realistic level of resistance to criminal attack.
Gaining SBD approval is a significant achievement, demonstrating Frontier Pitts commitment to safety and sustainability, and providing our valued customers with reassurance that our product matches performance claims.
Securing SBD accreditation reiterates Frontier Pitts status as a first-class product manufacturer.
Further information on the scheme can be obtained by visiting