Latest IWA14 Impact Tests

Frontier Pitts Ltd is the British Manufacturer of Security Gates, Automatic Barriers, Bollards, Blockers and Turnstiles. With a long standing heritage combined with worldwide portfolio, we design, manufacture, install and maintain perimeter security equipment.

As a founder member of the PSSA, Frontier Pitts still remains the leading British manufacturer with the most verified products in the world under the product verification scheme. We now showcase a further SIX exciting new products impact tested within the last 20 months.

Four of these products have been impact tested under the new International IWA 14-1:2013 specification. IWA 14 combines the vehicles and energies from the other impact test specifications around the World, including the British PAS 68, American ASTM F2656-07 or K12, and European CWA 16221.

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