Repair Service
Engineers carry a range of parts in their service vans to enable them to make “first hit” repairs. For any additional parts, we employ a fast track system to ensure a fast turnaround in getting the parts to site and repair of the equipment. Larger repair projects are assigned an area specific project engineer who will manage the project ensuring a single point of contact for the client.
Frontier Pitts is more than just a manufacturer of Perimeter Security equipment:
- Our UK Call Centre: 24 hours 7 days a week
- Emergency Repairs/Manufacture
- National Breakdown & Preventative Planned Maintenance Service. Also available to similar products manufactured by other suppliers
- Frontier Pitts have a fleet of highly trained, skilled, experienced Engineers:
- All directly employed and located throughout the UK.
- GPS tracker on all vehicles enables the scheduler to get the closest available engineer to your site as soon as possible.
- Engineers carry a range of parts to enable them to make the ‘first hit’ repairs.
- For any additional parts, we employ a fast track system to ensure a swift turnaround in getting the parts to site and repair of the equipment.
- Repair and refurbishment projects are assigned an area specific Project Manager, who will manage the project in a similar way to a new installation.
Our dedicated Spares Department offer all spares including cards, tokens and handguns, bulbs, springs and replacement barrier booms, and a delivery service for your convenience.