Security Gates Custody Centre

Police Custody Centre

Sector: Police
Security Level: High Security for Police Station custody suite
Requirement: Hinged Swing Gates and Pedestrian gate
Equipment Installed: 1 no Pair of Automatic Hinged Swing Gates with gate top protection, 1 no. matching Pedestrian Gate
Services: Consultancy, Design, Manufacture, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance
Completion Date: 2006
Client: Police

Frontier Pitts Hinged Swing Gate & Pedestrian Gate System securing a Police Station Custody Suite
During a security upgrade, Frontier Pitts were awarded the contract to install a pair of Vehicle Hinged Gates complete with an adjacent pedestrian control Wicket Gate. Frontier Pitts continue to maintain the security gate system today.

Automatic Vehicle Hinged Gate
The Automatic Hinged Gates automated using Frontier Pitts gate back actuator system which is a powerful yet powerful motive unit which powers single leaf hinged gates (up to 5m).
100% duty cycle designed for continuous operation.At Frontier Pitts, we highly recommend safety features are fitted to your automated gate to comply to safety standards and alleviate the dangers associated with automatic gates. Safety devices on this installation include audible alarms, flashing beacons, safety edges and photocells.

Please click here for more information on Bi-folding Speed Gates
Please click here for more information on Hinged Gates

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